Nand2tetris Week3

Memory & Hello Time

Background The computer’s main memory, also called Random Access Memory, or RAM, is an addressable sequence of n-bit registers, each designed to hold an n-bit value. In this project you will gradually build a RAM unit. This involves two main issues: (i) how to use gate logic to store bits persistently, over time, and (ii) how to use gate logic to locate (“address”) the memory register on which we wish to operate. [Read More]
learn  course  nand  logic  gate  RAM  memory 

Nand2tetris Week2

Boolean Arithmetic - Toughest challenge so far

Background The centerpiece of the computer’s architecture is the CPU, or Central Processing Unit, and the centerpiece of the CPU is the ALU, or Arithmetic-Logic Unit. In this project you will gradually build a set of chips, culminating in the construction of the ALU chip of the Hack computer. All the chips built in this project are standard, except for the ALU itself, which differs from one computer architecture to another. [Read More]
learn  course  nand  logic  gate  ALU  binary 

Nand2tetris Week1

Primitive Nand gate

Background A typical computer architecture is based on a set of elementary logic gates like And, Or, Mux, etc., as well as their bit-wise versions And16, Or16, Mux16, etc. (assuming a 16-bit machine). This project engages you in the construction of a typical set of basic logic gates. These gates form the elementary building blocks from which more complex chips will be later constructed. Here is what i have learnt in this week. [Read More]
learn  course  nand  logic  gate