Without CS degree

Learn on my own

I don’t have a CS degree so I’ve had to learn on my own. (@RandallKanna)

This is the title of a twitter thread which is true for me. I found this thread a world of useful resources that a blog post to document them for later use is a good idea. Below are the original post and the links to the courses/material/videos.

Start with a great intro course to get you excited about learning. Harvard has a free online introduction to CS class that I love. You can even get a certificate on edx for this class.


A little too intimidating? Start with Stanford’s Computer Science 101 instead.


Get started with Algorithms next. UCSD has a ton of online classes on coursera just about data structures & algorithms. Pretend you’re in a CS university class and take one lecture a week!

Algo Specializations

If that makes you nervous, Udacity has a free basic intro to data structures and algorithms.

Algo Udacity

Udacity even has a free course on operating systems.


MIT has a free online mathematics for computer science course with video courses.

CS MIT Video

Need an introduction to the theory of computation?

Theory of computation

Want to take computer architecture at Stanford?

Computer architecture

Coursera used to offer this class but it’s not available right now for some reason. But if you want to take introduction to databases, the entire course from Stanford is available here.

Introduction to databases

Need a statistics class? Want to take a free one from Harvard?


After all that, maybe you’re prepared to take advanced data structures at MIT?

Advanced Data Structures

Recommended book

The Algorithm Design Manual

Credit to @RandallKanna for this amazing information, you can see the original thread here. Some comments from others for additional resources:

Happy learning!

See also